
Introduction to Fiber Workshop Series: Easy Cardboard Loom Weaving

$ 30 usd
Sat, Mar 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
WAC, 377 Shadowline Drive, Boone, NC, US Map
Introduction to Fiber Workshop Series: Easy Cardboard Loom Weaving

Introducing the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild's "Intro to Fiber" Workshop Series!

Join us on the 4th Saturday of every month, from 10 AM to 1 PM, for an exciting hands-on workshop hosted by the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild. Running through August, each session will focus on a different fiber art technique or craft. This is the first workshop to jumpstart this series!

March 22nd - Easy Cardboard Loom Weaving: Students will learn weaving tapestry-style on a take-home cardboard loom. Materials will be provided, but students are welcome to bring yarns, ribbons, buttons, or other items they would like to use. 



Sali Gill-Johnson

Blue Ridge Fiber Guild Instructor

Contact us


WAC, 377 Shadowline Drive, Boone, NC, US


  • Workshops
Age Groups
  • Adult (& mature teens)